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Sparkle Your Life Sustainably

Want to uncover hidden treasures in your house? Check this out

The image features a blog that focuses to connote the importance of uncovering the hidden wonders in the waste produced on a daily basis in our households. A blog on uncovering hidden treasures in waste by sustainable spark

A lot of things in our house are present in such large quantities and seem useless that we consider them completely waste, and so find the right spot for them directly in the garbage cans. But every waste that we have has a hidden treasure in itself which while providing us a place to find […]

Want to enter into the sustainable zone? Try out plarn this season

The image features a blog on how plastic waste can be reduced sustainably using the plarn a new technique that creates plastic yarn. This relates on the blog titled entering into the sustainable zone, trying out plarn this season by sustainable spark

The fashion industry has multiple trends in line with a trend coming up every few months. Similarly, the shifts from traditional to modern wear to back to traditional have taken place in the last century. Even the handloom industry in the country which was once a blooming bird has now seen a downfall with high […]

How to effectively segregate waste in our households?

The image is related to the effective waste segregation tactics that can be implemented to create a sustainable environment. A blog created by sustainable spark.

Waste segregation refers to the act of identifying, categorizing, splitting, and sorting waste in order to minimize wastage, reuse, and recycle resources. Waste segregation helps to reduce the load on landfills, conserve resources, and foster a cleaner, healthier environment when done efficiently. According to a study, waste segregation tactics can reduce up to 250 tonnes […]